
FAQ – Matrixcigars cigar subscription box cigar subscription box Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is

  • Though a novel entrant in the world of premium cigars, is deeply rooted in inspiration. Drawing from the Matrix leaders of yesteryears, leaders who made pivotal decisions shaping humanity’s past, present, and future, we carry forward a legacy of excellence. Our expansive selections, housed in our eminent London and Norfolk warehouses, represent a blend of tradition and contemporary finesse. As the torchbearers of a new era of cigar merchants in the EU, we’re committed to unmatched service, unrivaled prices, and unparalleled products. For any inquiries, praises, or suggestions, our digital doors at are always open.

How can customers trust the quality of their cigar order?

  • Every cigar we offer is stored under impeccable temperature and humidity controls, ensuring they reach our discerning clientele in pristine condition, matured, and primed for an impeccable smoking experience.

Concerns about counterfeit cigars?

  • At, our pedigree is unimpeachable. Supplied by esteemed importers with over two centuries of credibility, we are licensed cigar retailers. Our staff receives thorough training, ensuring authenticity and expertise.

How do I know I’ll get the cigar wrapper shade I prefer?

  • We understand and value your specific wrapper shade predilections. While we strive to match your preferred shade, if we foresee any discrepancy, we ensure communication before dispatching your order.

Accepted payment methods?

  • We accept all leading credit cards, and most payment methods powered by Stripe.

Can I combine promotional offers?

  • We extend one promotional offer per transaction.

Is my online payment secure?

  • With our Stripe Pay system, your payment is in secure hands.

How do you handle customer data?

  • At, we value your trust. We only use your information for processing orders and never share it with third parties.

Details on shipping charges?

  • Our SHIPPING PAGE provides all necessary details about delivery costs.

Need recommendations or advice?

  • Always at your service. Email us 24/7 at for any guidance or recommendations.

Policy on aged and rare cigars?

  • Our rare and vintage cigars, much like vintage wines, are for the true connoisseur and are sold on a firm basis. If the distinct flavour doesn’t align with your taste, we, unfortunately, cannot be held accountable. Purchasing such cigars in an alternative monthly cigar subscription box means accepting these terms.

What currency do you transact in?

  • All our transactions are in Euros, reflecting our EU base. The displayed exchange rates are indicative; consult with your credit card provider for exact rates.

What’s the returns policy?

  • Should you find any discontent with your purchase, you can return it within 14 days for a full refund or credit, provided it’s unused and in original packaging. However, postage for returns isn’t refunded, and a 10% restocking fee applies to all returns.

What does the cigar subscription box offer?

  • Our subscription box offers a curated selection of 3, 5, or 10 premium cigars each month, handpicked to cater to your unique tastes. Accompanied by a custom humidity pouch, these cigars maintain their freshness, ready for your indulgence.

How is the cigar box subscription box curated?

  • We meticulously select cigars based on a mix of your preferences and the expertise of our seasoned tobacconists, ensuring a diverse and delightful experience every month.

Can I customize my subscription?

  • Absolutely! You can select the number of cigars you wish to receive each month. If you opt for 10 cigars, you’ll be treated to two of each selected blend, ensuring a doubly rich experience.

What additional items come with my first subscription box?

  • First-time subscribers will be gifted a premium cigar cutter and an elite box of matches to complete their cigar indulgence.

How long will the cigars in the subscription box stay fresh?

  • Our bespoke humidity pouch, reinforced with a Boveda pack, ensures that your cigars remain in pristine condition for over a year, demanding no maintenance.

Can I gift the cigar subscription box?

  • Certainly! Our subscription boxes make for the perfect gift, be it for seasoned aficionados or newcomers to the world of cigars. Gift a month or multiple, the choice is yours.

What if I want to change my cigar box subscription preferences?

  • Reach out to us at, and we’ll gladly assist you in tailoring your subscription to your evolving tastes.

Are there any age restrictions to subscribe?

  • In adherence to EU regulations, we only cater to adults aged 18 and above. Age verification is mandatory during the subscription process.

How are the subscription boxes shipped?

  • We currently deliver exclusively within the European Union. As we expand our network, more delivery locations will be added in the near future